Please-Do-Not-Feed-theUnless we're talking about the good kind of fear that stops you from being reckless with yourself, or makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up because you're in danger, fear is nothing more than a bully. I'm talking about the kind of fear that stops you from doing what you know in your heart you must. The kind of fear that tells you you're not good enough, you don't have what it takes, you can't do it. That kind of fear can kiss my a$$, and it should kiss yours, too.

Fear puts the mind and the heart in a grip. It shuts down our vision so we can only see what isn't going well, what could go wrong, all the reasons why we are stuck. Fear travels with doubt and resentment and envy, with a healthy side of criticism. Fear is not kind, and neither are people living in fear, because fear puts you on the defensive. Sometimes when we don't get what we hope for, we become afraid. "I had a vision of how this thing was supposed to go, how I wanted it to go, and now what do I do?" And the mind starts racing with how awful everything is, how nothing is going right, how things are easier for other people (because fear feeds that comparing and contrasting mind). If you want to shut yourself down and close yourself up and do life in such a way that you're always wearing blinders and feeding yourself can't, then fear is the way to go. But, seriously, who wants to live like that? Shut down and numbed out and hopeless and frustrated? Alone and angry and confused, waiting for that magical time when "things will get better"?

Things are not going to get better unless you open to love. And you cannot do that if you are wrapped in a tight little ball with your fists clenched and your eyes scrunched up, and your head full of shouldn't. Or stories about why you can't. Why you're incapable of change. Or so numb you really can't feel anything. So addicted to distraction the weeks fly by, then the months, then the years, and oh crap, now it's too late. Anyone who is not suffering from afflictions beyond their control can heal. I'm going to say that again. Everyone. Can. Heal. Love requires courage, participation, and ownership of your own experience.

Love is not for those who won't be vulnerable, because when you open your heart, there is always the possibility you're going to get hurt. But you know what? I'd rather have my heart broken fully, deeply, right through the center then live my life asleep and curled up in a ball in a corner wondering what, exactly, I'm doing here. I'd rather be awake with my heart open wide and my head full of Yes, than numbing myself out to avoid my pain. The pain is the path to healing. The pain is where you head. You walk straight into the center of it, and you do not come out until you have faced that sh&t down. Or it owns you. Those are your choices, there is no third, "Can it be a little easier because I don't want to work that hard?" option.

I refuse to allow any person or any circumstance to rob me of my purpose here, and I hope you do, too. Because anything else is a pure waste of your time, and you aren't given enough to waste. This is your beautiful, complicated, confusing, joyous, sometimes deeply lonely, other times amazingly incredible life, where sometimes you have your heart broken, and sometimes you feel it expand so much you think, it's going to come right out of your chest. "This love is so much, so full, so deep it's going to carry me up above the trees, and over the ocean, and oh, wait, it IS the ocean." Why, why, why would you deny yourself love like that? Because of some fear? Totally not acceptable. I hope you got a taste of the love I'm sending your way. It has a side of a$$-kick, I know. But sometimes that's the kind of love we need. If you just need a hug right now, I'm down for that, too.

Ally Hamilton